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Sobre nosotros
Puentiamos el viaje del inversor hacia el éxito


Con Evidence Based Capital usted está primero

Adoptamos un enfoque meticuloso y personalizado para nuestras inversiones, maximizando la riqueza de nuestros inversores y socios a través de un enfoque diversificado y dirigido por equipos. Sabemos que el éxito comienza con nuestros clientes y no lo alcanzamos hasta que ellos lo hacen.


Inversiones inmobiliarias exclusivas
Inversiones inmobiliarias exclusivas Nuestro equipo trabaja arduamente para presentar a nuestros inversores propiedades de primer nivel que son nuevas en el mercado, a menudo antes de que estén disponibles para el público.

Reducir la brecha de riqueza
Creemos que todos los que califiquen deben estar al tanto del mundo de los bienes raíces multifamiliares, independientemente de su origen étnico, raza, género u orientación sexual.

Información clave + recursos
Hacemos todo el trabajo duro para que nuestros inversores no tengan que hacerlo. Desde definiciones simples hasta estimaciones complejas, proporcionamos a nuestra comunidad recursos, contenido exclusivo y oportunidades de aprendizaje seleccionadas para mantenerlos informados y actualizados sobre la industria de bienes raíces multifamiliares.



Movilidad ascendente
Al invertir pasivamente con capital basado en evidencia, nuestros inversores pueden aumentar rápidamente su patrimonio neto y su cartera de activos, el factor principal en la creación de riqueza.

Logro personal
Creemos que el crecimiento es holístico y comienza, primero, en la mente.


Verdadera asociación
Hay poder en los números, por lo que nos asociamos con socios generales, socios limitados e inversores de ideas afines para encontrar, asegurar y ofrecer las mejores opciones de inversión.

Reducir la brecha de riqueza
Creemos que todos los que califiquen deben estar al tanto del mundo de los bienes raíces multifamiliares, independientemente de su origen étnico, raza, género u orientación sexual.

Sociedad de miembros
Cuando invierte con Evidence Based Capital, automáticamente obtiene acceso a nuestro grupo de inversores privados, donde puede conocer a otros inversores de ideas afines y acceder a recursos exclusivos.



  • Mission Statement
    For decades, real estate acquisition and portfolios have been the key to wealth accumulation in the US, but many have been excluded due to race, resources, and access. Our goal is to encourage all who qualify to passively invest in multi-family real estate, taking advantage of the lucrative benefits the industry has to offer. We believe that through proper education, exposure, and encouragement, our investors will have an equal opportunity to grow their mind and grow their wealth—a benefit that can positively impact generations to come.
  • What we Do
    We help people reach financial freedom by investing in apartment buildings, student housing, and senior housing in high-quality markets nationwide. To accomplish this on a consistent basis, our rock-star team executes proven, data-driven processes for identifying, acquiring, managing, stabilizing, optimizing and divesting cash-flowing value-add Class B and C properties.
  • Our Core Competencies
    Find & Verify: To identify high quality properties with significant upside and a very favorable risk to reward ratio that meets our very strict standards, we employ an innovative data driven process for uncovering the best metros, sub-markets, neighborhoods and target properties. Acquire & Stabilize​: After uncovering an investment property that meets our stringent criteria, our Asset Managers and Principals spring into action and work hand in hand with our property team to acquire the asset. After purchase, if the property is a turnaround property team members work relentlessly to stabilize the property. Value & Improvement: With effective management and enhancement of the property we are able to improve occupancy rates and increase rent rates, resulting in increased property values and higher cash flow for happy investors.
  • Mission Statement
    For decades, real estate acquisition and portfolios have been the key to wealth accumulation in the US, but many have been excluded due to race, resources, and access. Our goal is to encourage all who qualify to passively invest in multi-family real estate, taking advantage of the lucrative benefits the industry has to offer. We believe that through proper education, exposure, and encouragement, our investors will have an equal opportunity to grow their mind and grow their wealth—a benefit that can positively impact generations to come.
  • What we Do
    We help people reach financial freedom by investing in apartment buildings, student housing, and senior housing in high-quality markets nationwide. To accomplish this on a consistent basis, our rock-star team executes proven, data-driven processes for identifying, acquiring, managing, stabilizing, optimizing and divesting cash-flowing value-add Class B and C properties.
  • Our Core Competencies
    Find & Verify: To identify high quality properties with significant upside and a very favorable risk to reward ratio that meets our very strict standards, we employ an innovative data driven process for uncovering the best metros, sub-markets, neighborhoods and target properties. Acquire & Stabilize​: After uncovering an investment property that meets our stringent criteria, our Asset Managers and Principals spring into action and work hand in hand with our property team to acquire the asset. After purchase, if the property is a turnaround property team members work relentlessly to stabilize the property. Value & Improvement: With effective management and enhancement of the property we are able to improve occupancy rates and increase rent rates, resulting in increased property values and higher cash flow for happy investors.
Modern House

Conviértete en inversor

La última inversión fue sobrefinanciada y tuvimos que devolver los fondos a los inversores tardíos

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